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Submitted by: Joann Snell
Would you like to have a marketing tool that can save your business thousands of dollars? And with just one click it provides exceptional business opportunities. I’m talking about Business blogs. Blogs are a flexible medium for broadcasting useful information for your product or service. They are also very effective in the positioning of your product or service in the market.
If you want to have a definite advantage over your competitors engage in business blogging. If the previous reasons didn’t convince you, keep reading. Here are some great advantages to consider:
Word-of-Mouth- With approximately 14 million blogs on line and the totals are increasing each day, imagine how much your company will gain if you have your product or service advertised through blogs. Facts and figures spread so quickly with the Internet, particularly if a striking write-up goes along with your product or service. Soon hundreds of potential customers will have seen your blogs.
Awareness and loyalty- To create confidence and dependability among your customers have open communication with them. They will be more eager to sample your products and services when you are available to answer their concerns.
Feedback- For product exploration blogs are a good choice. It’s easier to enhanse your product or service when you can observe your customers’ thinking and social patterns. Your customers’ concerns can be addressed immediately also.
Neighborhood halo-effect- Most Bloggers are more than eager to create a blogosphere of feedback regarding your product or service. As long as you embrace and take an active part in the society your product will likely be contemplated in their next visit to the Internet or supermarket.
Better marketing results- Promote your business blog actively by submitting it to blog search sites and directories. Paste in your URL with your blogs. Be sure to include exclusive information with value. Make sure to always update your blog to keep readers coming back in again for the updates.
To get the most benefit with your blog use Really Simple Syndication feeds (RSS) in conjunction with it. Also, by using effective keyword phrases you can generate a higher ranking status within search engine traffic. By using this method you have a better chance of people locating your website which leads to your blog. So, more traffic equals more potential sales and that is just what we want.
Now, to be really successful, you should use RSS for news update feeds. These can be read through RSS reader applications. This is a very powerful tool for both business and internet marketers.
Your company may now be ready to proceed with blogging. Are you convinced of the potential of business blogging for marketing and targeting your sales increase. First, you have to determine whether blogging will actually help you achieve your goals. So, study your company’s business objectives and give blogging a try.
Remember, a blog is like a display booth in the largest exibit on earth everyday. And the marketing possibilities for your business are to good to pass up.
About the Author: Joann Snell is a freelance Graphic Designer. She specializes in print, corporate id, branding, and other marketing tools for small-medium sized businesses. Article by Joann Snell 2008, Feb. 9 For further information visit Jo s Graphic Designs at
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