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Discover How You Can Double The Results of Your Muscles Exercise by Romolo LerzaDid you know that by simply changing one single, and simple thing during your muscles exercise sessions you could increase the results much more than you ever imagined?Normally what people do in the gym is reps of 8 to 10 repetitions, but really no one has proven that this is the right way, the truth is that there is no real, or magic number and reps should be altered according to the conditions you’re in, the nature of the exercise and what you’re trying to achieve. Having said that for muscled exercise it is good to understand repetitions and to apply the right number of repetitions.Neurological and metabolic continuum refers to the amount of weight you lift related to one repetition maximum and this determines how much tension the muscle is producing. Muscles exercise research shows that the level of strain you put on yours muscle is fundamental for achieving the desired results and build strength. Some research has shown that repetition in the 6 to 15 ranges can increase strength and muscles growth at a much higher rate then 1 to 5 repetition.One of the key objectives for body builders when doing muscles exercise is tremendous muscle growth, but that doesn’t mean that performing low repetitions isn’t the way, muscles exercise research show that to grow certain type of muscle low repetitions exercise are more advisable. To produce greater level of tension low repetition can be ideal, this also leads to a higher growth reaction.For optimal muscles and fitness exercise routine we can ask the question, should repetition play a part in this routine?To obtain maximum results, which is what we all want when doing muscles exercises, we have to push always harder and produce maximal voluntary contractions. A muscle to grow needs a reason, so we need to overload the muscles to give it the reason to grow, otherwise the muscle will get to a certain point the will stop growing. So talking about results it is fair to say that when creating a muscle and fitness exercise routine you should decide the effect the training you are going to undertake should have, this in turn will determine the repetition style you will use. One rule that applies to the weight you should be lifting is based on the number of repetition you can do with that weight, if you can’t do 8 repetitions it means that the weight is too heavy, on the other hand if you can easily do more than 12 repetitions it means that the weight is too light. Another important factor to take into consideration when deciding the weight you will be lifting for a specific exercise is your health conditions at any given time and how you feel, needless to say if on a particular day you are not feeling so good you will want to choose lighter weights, it is also true that when feeling particularly well you will want to try lifting heavier weights to maximize your muscles exercise results.Copyright (c) 2010 Romolo LerzaThis article was written by Rom from the Muscle and Fitness Exercise team. Rom is passionate about health and fitness and is been involved in the fitness industry for many years and loves sharing is knowledge.For more information please visit =>muscleandfitnessexercise.comArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com