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Submitted by: Syd Z. Nohcud
Synthetic motor oils. They are more costly than standard engine oil replacements. Auto racers use them. Many swear by synthetics. No doubt about it if you reside in a very cold climate say in the northern United States, Alaska or way up north in Canada you will get easier engine starts in the cold of winter , better engine lifespan from reduced wear and tear and some say better gas mileage. Yet is it really worth the extra cash from your wallet or charge card when it comes time for auto service at your local trusted garage or auto dealership service center?
Concern one should be that switching to synthetic motor oils is like taking a drug. Once you make the change for your car or truck you are hooked and have to keep using them. Note that in your auto
maintenance service schedule. As well if you ever sell or pass on the vehicle to a family member they have to be informed of what is now standard practice for engine maintenance well at least on this vehicle.
To begin with what are synthetic engine oils and why are they different from the standard run of the mill products that you normally would purchase at your local garage or big box automotive store? Synthetics are different than standard ordinary petroleum based products that we know well. The newer type of engine crankcase oils are not new and a brand new space age invention. Indeed they have been around quite a while and have been time and mileage tested since the 1940s when they were first used in a wide scale ultra demanding wide scale real world usage test serving WW2 tanks on the frigid Russian front in the ultra cold and engine devouring frigid Russian wintertime climate.
Next more demanding applications emerged and grew with the advent of jet airplane engines. Add to that vehicles running at higher performance from what were considered smaller engines than the days of the good old V8s and you can see how these products that provide better lubrication and break down less easily at high temps could well have advantages to drivers and automobile owners.
What then are the advantages to your vehicle from the newer types of crankcase lubrication products? First as said if you reside in a cold climate or your car stays outside during colder winter times but you are not necessarily in a 40 below winter time January temperature range your engine will start easier as cold sludge oil is not restricting turning over the motor to start it. Easier starts, engine oil frees more quickly and freely reducing the critical time of engine wear that is cold winter starts. On top of that you may free up your starter from excessive wear and reduce demands on your battery and electrical charging systems. This is all true.
Next add into line the longer oil change replacement intervals. These new type of lubricants last longer between changes, dont deteriorate and break down so easily. Thus there is the factor of greater up front costs, yet better overall economy. Especially if you have drivers who dont have the skills or knowledge or pay attention to detail when it comes to auto care and maintenance there may be a great bonus here with the longer intervals and better protection affording a safety margin and making up for other lapses in vehicle maintenance.
In these discussions no one is right or wrong. It is all in your specific cases and personal preferences. Newer type of standard oil lubrication products have been greatly improved and upgraded to newer and better standards. Additives and improved manufacturing processes have seen to that. You may not need to go the more expensive route.
Still its your call as an owner or vehicle operator. Especially if your vehicle works under heavy severe demands or loads such as being turbocharged , or hauling heavy loads and trailers then by all means go that route. If you deal with cold weather starts then as well. If you are concerned about lack of maintenance and oil change intervals in the real world with characters in your life , or vehicles are fleet driven with little care to ongoing maintenance schedules as recommended by the manufacturer then the extra costs might well be warranted . Are synthetic oils worth the extra costs involved? It is your choice and expert decision.
About the Author: Syd Z. Nohcud Eagle Ridge Chevrolet Buick GMC Trucks
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