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Doing business calls for liability insurance by webmaster massageliabilityFor most folks in the business world, possessing liability insurance is simply part of the process. In fact, having a liability policy in place tends to be one of the first steps toward opening the doors of almost any business to do work with members of the public. This is because a business needs to be protected in case anything happens to a person while he or she is on the property of the business.That phrase, “in case anything happens,” is a broad one, which is why liability insurance tends to be quite broad as well. Unexpected scenarios that should be covered by a high quality liability insurance policy run the gamut, from tripping and falling while inside the business to experiencing damage or injury due to a service provided by the business or a product used during a service provided by the business.For massage therapists and bodyworkers, the first part of wrapping your head around the importance of obtaining massage therapy liability insurance is realizing that, even though you are in the field of healing touch, you are still running a business. Professional massage therapists and bodyworkers work with members of the public”quite closely, in fact”providing a service and often incorporating various products into providing that service as well.The sheer fact that clients are coming to your practice space or session room to receive this “product,” which is your hands on skills, necessitates a massage therapy liability insurance policy. After all, if any client has an accident on your property, whether it is inside the practice space or outside in the parking lot or on the way in, that client could make a claim against your business for damages.As the old saying goes, “accidents happen,” and there are few ways to account for and prevent the possibility of an accident ever happening on your property. However, with the general liability portion of a massage therapy liability insurance program, you can stop worrying about these what ifs.Of course, you should never stop doing your very best to keep your property free from the type of obstacles and substances that could contribute to an accident. With massage therapy liability insurance, though, you will be covered in case one does take place. This portion of a liability insurance program often is aptly referred to as trip and fall insurance.There are several other protective segments to the umbrella of massage therapy liability insurance, such as malpractice liability insurance and product liability insurance. The first is there to protect you in case a client claims damage or injury due to lack of skill or competence on your part during a massage therapy or bodywork session.It is tough to fathom any client ever making such a claim, but insurance was created for those anythings possible circumstances that rarely happen, but call for serious protection when and if they do take place. Product liability insurance is similar, in that it protects you against legal claims of damage or injury caused by a product used during the hands on session.Follow the lead of solid businesses from coast to coast, and invest the small amount of money necessary to put a strong liability insurance program to work for you.Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP) is a national insurance provider offering licensed massage therapists comprehensive Massage liability insurance and practice support. MMIP competes effectively for clients on two fronts, while providing the best value to the practicing massage therapist, MMIP’s liability insurance package is the most comprehensive in the massage and bodywork industry. By focusing our liability insurance exclusively on the massage therapist we are able to provide a personalized experience and a comprehensive plan of member benefits.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com