Acne Treatment – Acne Truths Exposed
Jason Popper
Not all acne is created equal and before you can wage war on the acne you see in the mirror, you first need to learn what kind of acne you have. The more you know about the different kinds of acne the better able you will be to identify the kind of acne that you suffer from and keep it away from your skin in the future!
The first type of acne is called acne vulgaris and it is one of the most common forms of acne out there. Usually acne vulgaris is found on people whose skin is very oily and it can be found in three different variations: non-inflammatory lesions, inflammatory lesions and secondary lesions.
The second type of acne is called comendonal acne. This is acne that does not usually get inflamed. Comendonal acne is usually caused by fluctuations in hormone levels, though it can also be caused by facial products or people who react badly to levels of high humidity.
Infantile Acne is, obviously, acne that affects babies and infants. Yes, it’s true, new babies can get acne! Typically, though, infantile acne goes away not long after a baby is born.
Another kind of acne is acne mediamentosa. Acne mediamentosa is a kind of acne that is caused by certain kinds of medication. Anabolic steroids and birth control pills are usually the culprits behind acne mediamentosa.
Acne conglobata is the most common kind of acne that affects boys and men. Usually this acne is found on a man’s chest or back.
Acne Excori usually shows up after somebody has picked at his or her blackheads or whiteheads. This is one of the easiest forms of acne to avoid as all it takes to keep it away is to keep your hands away from your face and not pick at acne when it appears!
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Acne Treatment – Acne Truths Exposed