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By Jason Kay
When the winter weather really begins to bring the temperatures down ice may start forming on your driveway and walkways making it all but impossible to go anywhere or do anything. You have to remove the ice but you want to do so in a way that will not harm your children, your pets, or Mother Earth. What you need are some environmentally safe ice melt products.
While the old stand by for melting the winter ice is rock salt or other types of salt-based products if you look on the labels you will see warnings. These warnings will be about how the salts are potentially hazardous to children, pets, and the planet.
To stay 100 percent on the eco-friendly side you can always try to get traction over melting and use kitty litter that is biodegradable or sand in order to get a good grip. However, when these products aren’t enough and you have to get the ice to go away then you can use one of these environmentally friendly ice melt products:
— SafePaw: SafePaw is 100 percent salt free and contains meting agents that are not harmful to your children, pets, or the planet. Available at a number of stores throughout the cold regions of the country this is the perfect non-harmful ice melt product. To make a good product great, the makers of SafPaw recently added a traction agent that will help you get a good grip while the ice is being melted.
— Green Scapes Ice Melt: This is another product that is 100 percent salt free and even contains ingredients to help stave off corrosion. This eco-friendly stuff will melt ice in weather as cold as 10 degrees and will not harm vegetation, your lawn, your pets, or your children. This product can be found at popular stores such as Ace Hardware and is wonderful solution when ice is on the ground.
— GreenIceMelt.com: GreenIceMelt.com is a website that is dedicated to selling a huge variety of environmentally ice melt products for both residential customers and commercial customers. Their products vary in ingredients and they have both granular products as well as liquid products. Their website is filled with tons of information and they seem to have a product for and size job and budget.
— Fire Ice Melt Pellets: This product is the perfect alternative to rock salt and will melt snow and ice just as fast but won’t harm the environment or your family in the process. This product is available online at interstateproducts.com and they have a variety of other environmentally friendly ice melt products for commercial use as well.
While it may not seem like salt would be harmful it is in fact very harmful. Salt mixed with melted ice gives you corrosive salt water. Salt in your plants gives you dead plants. Most importantly, salt and your pet or children in those doses can be dangerous.
There is simply no need to use corrosive and dangerous rock salt ice melt products when there is such a great variety of environmentally friendly ice melt products that can be purchased. Protect the planet and your family by making sure your ice melt products are eco-savvy and eco-safe.
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