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Submitted by: Rupal Hospital
Pregnancy later in life, after the age of 35, is becoming increasingly common. Women are delaying childbearing for a variety of personal and professional reasons. Many women today find themselves trying to conceive after the age of 35. This opportunity can be full of joy and riddled with questions. Despite some challenges, many women in their thirties and forties successfully conceive.
The biggest obstacle for women age 35 or older may be getting pregnant in the first place. Fertility rates begin to decline gradually at age 30, more so at 35, and markedly at age 40. Even with fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, women have more difficulty getting pregnant as they age. As women age, it can become more of a challenge to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. Fertility begins to decrease during the ages of 32 and 37, with a more rapid decline after 37. Women are born with a certain amount of eggs. As they age, the quantity and quality of eggs begin to decline, particularly during the third decade of life.
Infertility evaluation is generally recommended for women who have been trying for 12 months or longer. But if you’re 35 or older, don’t wait a whole year. Get an evaluation after six months or sooner if your periods aren’t regular, or if you’ve had previous abdominal surgery.
The health related risks of late pregnancy in life
Becoming pregnant over the age of 35 can increase the risk of pregnancy complications for both mother and baby. These are due to changes in the reproductive system and the increased likelihood of general health problems that comes with age. Older women are at an increased risk of the following complications during pregnancy:
Infection or surgery that caused scar tissue around the fallopian tubes or cervix
Fibroids or uterine disorders
Decrease in cervical fluid
Chronic health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes
Recent studies, however, have shown that women who postpone childbearing do face some special risks including: infertility and miscarriage, premature delivery and stillbirth, gestational diabetes, bleeding complications, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prolonged labour, C-section, chromosomal abnormalities in babies, growth retardation in babies and delivering multiples.
Babies that are born prematurely or with a low birth weight are at an increased risk of both short- and long-term health problems, including respiratory distress syndrome, infection and developmental delays. Some research suggests that the age of the father at conception may also affect the health of the child, although more research is required in this area.
Learn everything about infertility in men and women and about its treatment at http://www.rupalhospital.com/infertilitytreatmentformaleandfemale.html
How can I increase my chances of having a healthy baby while trying to conceive after 35?
Trying to conceive after 35 may seem overwhelming, but there are many things you can do to make getting pregnant easier. Plan your pregnancy. Few of the things to remember include
1. Schedule a pre-conception appointment You and your health care provider can review your medical history, current medications and overall lifestyle.
2. Women over age 35 take longer to conceive The average time it takes a couple over 35 to conceive is 1-2 years, so try to remain positive if you do not become pregnant immediately.
3. A woman who is physically, mentally and emotionally healthy is more likely to conceive. Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine as it negatively affects fertility. Maintain balanced weight as overweight or underweight can also affect fertility by interfering with hormone function.
4. Observe fertility signs of yourself as it tells a lot about your body. Record basal body temperature and cervical fluid, which tells the best time to have intercourse while trying to conceive. These help in identifying whether you are ovulating properly.
5. Take at home fertility screening test. This often gives couples peace of mind as they move through the journey to conceive.
6. Visit your health care provider if you havent conceived after 6 months of trying, to discuss the possibility of fertility testing. You may decide to consult a fertility specialist at this time.
7. Consider taking a supplement to help improve egg quality after consultation.
As with all pregnant women, it may be recommended that women over the age of 35 undergo genetic screening for birth defects. This is particularly important due to the increased risk of certain disorders for children being born to older mothers.
Age is not something we can control. But if you want a baby or another baby, and youre in a relationship, you can have a conversation with your partner sooner rather than later.
Know in detail about all types of treatment available for infertile couples at http://www.rupalhospital.com/about.html
The treatment options for infertility in mature women
Assisted Reproductive Technologies play a major role in achieving parenthood for elderly womens. For the treatment of infertility in adult women in the premenopausal or menopausal age there are very limited options. Advanced age mother react poorly to ovarian stimulation. Even with the ivf treatment the chances of giving live birth is less as compared to younger womens. Females over 35 face additional risk of gestational diabetes, placenta previa, peeling, caesarean section, premature birth, blood clotting, etc. The treatment option for individual women differs. It includes ovarian hyper stimulation, In vitro fertilization (IVF), Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and Egg/Ooctye donation.
To improve the performance of IVF among older women, some clinics recommend assisted hatching, embryo transplant in the embryonic bladder, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and transplant of high quality embryos. The best option for elderly women is to use donor eggs from a young donor. The option of Embryo donation and the help of surrogate mothers using sperm of the biological father and donor eggs can also be considered.
Even after you get pregnant, age continues to have an effect. The older you are when you get pregnant, the more likely you are to have a chronic disease, such as high blood pressure or diabetes that may be undiagnosed and can affect your pregnancy. As per the saying: Age is nothing but a number. But when it comes to getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy, it can matter. Rest assured, most healthy women who get pregnant after age 35 and even into their 40s have healthy Babies. That doesn’t mean, though, that you shouldn’t think about smart steps you can take to maximize your health and your baby’s health during pregnancy.
If you are planning on becoming pregnant or are pregnant at the age 35 or plus, speak with your health care provider for evaluation. In todays lifestyle, where many couples are career oriented and could barely manage spare time, the cases of infertility are on the rise due to excessive work related stress, irregular eating habits and various other reasons. There are host of factors responsible for infertility. There are millions of couples whore facing the prickly issue called infertility. For more than 4 decades, Rupal Hospital for Womens Specialists have helped infertile couples navigate smoothly through the often complicated process of infertility to the journey of parenthood. Rupal Hospital and fertility Clinic offers Comprehensive facilities for full Infertility Tests and diagnosis for male & female infertility – Successful In vitro treatment for infertility. Rupal Hospital has been a one stop place for all gynaec problems and our expertise lies in providing affordable services and handling difficult cases of infertility. The service provided under one roof includes infertility workup, ICSI, IUI, IVF, Laser Assisted Hatching, Cryopreservation, Donor Program, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer, Pre Genetic Diagnosis and Screening (PGD and PGS), Sonography, Laproscopy & Hysteroscopy.
For age related infertility information in men and women you can consult Specialists at Rupal Hospital for Women at http://www.rupalhospital.com or seek an appointment at 91-261-2599128
About the Author: Rupal Hospital for Womens is a premiere leader in women’s healthcare since 45 long years. Rupal Hospital understands and meets all the health needs of a woman and fosters the understanding of how advanced health care can improve the lives of women and their families. Gynaecology & Obstetrics Section at Rupal Hospital have renowned female Doctors and each one of them is outstanding in their own field of expertise. We at Rupal Hospital are dedicated to providing the highest quality in women’s health. The maternity section is available round the clock and is equipped with state of the art labour room along with facilities of electronic foetal heart monitoring during labour. Rupal Hospital has all means for instrumental deliveries and apparatus to deal with emergencies. We have fully equipped operation theatre for all obstetrics and gynaecology operations.
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