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By Hendrik Pohl
Just think about how mad the following scenario will make you: You come home on a cold day and decide that it is time to pull out your winter gear again that you stored away last season. You open the storage cabinet, pull out your expensive winter coat, and realize that moths have eaten their way through it. Sounds bad, doesn’t it? Well, if you are not careful, then this is a very likely thing to happen to you. The good news is that there are a couple of ways to protect you from those bastard creatures. Below are some helpful tips how to get rid of moths.
What Are Moths
Clothing moths are not the same type of creatures you see flying around street lights on a summer night. Clothing moths are different. They are much smaller and don’t show themselves very often. Also, unlike the larger, non-cloth eating family members, clothing moths prefer the dark and are not attracted by light. They preferred habitats are dark, hidden places like the creases and folds in clothes hanging in rarely disturbed closets.
Those moths live and breed in your closet, but they also do not eat your clothes. In fact grown moths don’t even have the mouthparts necessary to chew on clothes. What eats you wool sweater is the larva. An adult moth lays about 100 eggs, and once the larva hatches the damage on your cloths begins. Even thought eh larvae can only digest animal fibers, other fabrics such as cotton and synthetics can still be damaged.
Things That Moths Hate And Your Clothes Will Love
Never store clothes that are dirty. Stains and body perspiration is a loved food source by grown moths. Storing your clothes dirty will attract grown moths that will then lay eggs that will eventually hatch into your clothing eating larvae.
Shake Our Your Clothes Periodically:
From time to time take your clothes out of storage and shake them out, and hang them in direct sunlight. The light exposure and the movement of the fabric will kill the fragile larvae.
Clean & Vacuum Your Closet:
Keep dust levels at a minimum level. Moths love dust as much as fabric. If you don’t clean regularly you will create another breeding ground for these little bastards.
Moths Balls & Paper:
Almost all moth balls contain Para-dichlorobenzene (PDB) or Naphthalene. Although they will kill moths, it is important to keep such chemicals in high concentration to be effective. So, regularly replace moth balls or moth paper and don’t be too stingy with it. Use it plentiful. Keep in mind that Naphthalene is not very soluble in water, so it is difficult to remove by washing. It would probably be wise to dry-clean any articles that have been stored with mothballs before using them.
Homemade Moth Killers:
You can easily build a lethal moth trap without spending much time or money. To build a moth trap do the following: Mix one cup of molasses with 2 cups of vinegar. Mix this solution well together and put it into a yellow open container to attract the moths. Moths like the sweetness of the molasses, and are attracted to the color yellow. What they don’t know is that vinegar will kill them.
You can also try some herbal sachets: natural items such as cloves, lavender, rosemary, thyme, dried orange peel, peppercorns, cayenne pepper, eucalyptus leaves, hellebore, etc. To avoid staining, always wrap any of these items in a sachet or, simply tie up in a handkerchief.
Don’t take the risk and follow the tips from above. Doing the things mentioned will not only save you money, but also from frustrating surprises next season.
About the Author: Hendrik is a writer on men’s fashion. Most of his work revolves around men’s fashion, formal dress code tips, and how to care for your clothing. he is also the founder of: Cheap-Neckties.Com – An online retailer that understands the concept of value like few others. At
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