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By Brian Scott
Are you interested in launching your own graphic design business? Opening up your own graphic design business often leads to starting your own small studio or ad agency. Making the transition between freelance graphic design to your own business is both exciting and challenging. Transitioning can come quite naturally and can help your business grow tremendously. If you are ready to start your own graphic design business, here are some tips to get you started.
1) Taking the first steps to open your own graphic design business
Opening your own small studio can be exciting, especially if you used to work on your own as a freelance graphic designer. The good news is you don’t need many resources to get started. The requirements are minimal. You will definitely want a computer, telephone, some flat files, a copy machine, a desk, and a comfortable ergonomic chair. You can run your graphic design business in your house, or you can rent office space. The next step is to come up with a clever name for your business.
2) Coming up with a clever name for your business
As you can probably imagine, a good catchy name is important to getting the word out about your business. There are many different schools of thought to help you name your business. You can go with a clever name, a proper name, a corporate-sounding name, or a quirky name. Whatever you choose, try to keep it short and memorable. You can design and print your own business cards — an easy way to show off your design talents to potential clients.
3) Finding the right people to work with
To make your freelance business grow, you will need to collaborate with many different people. You will probably want to hire a full-time assistant or a freelance graphic designer to help with production and traffic. If you can’t handle the business and bookkeeping aspects of running a business, look into hiring an accountant or bookkeeper. This person will be in charge of keeping track of income and business expenses, and can help you formulate a viable business plan. In general, you should hire one to three employees for your graphic design studio. Your graphic design studio will include a principal (you) and the employees. Job titles may include senior and junior designers, production artist, and intern. You may also want to hire a receptionist to answer the phones and manage the office traffic.
4) What are the keys to success?
You will find many keys to success when it comes to starting your own graphic design business. One of the most important keys to success is experience. You will need at least one person with ample design experience. The designer should have a lot of experience as a staffer or as an independent freelance graphic designer. The second most important thing is securing clients. To be successful, your company will need clients. If you have experience as a freelancer, you probably have a list of regular clients. Your company will also benefit from partnerships. If you can find someone with like-minded goals, with talent and resources, he or she could be an ideal partner.
About the Author: Visit Brian Scott’s website,
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