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L-Glutamine and Probiotics for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Restoring the Gut. Part 4
Clive L Haslam
L-glutamine is an amino acid that research has proven is in very short supply in Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia sufferers.
It is highly recommended as an advanced gut restorative and for muscle function repair and recovery. Prebiotics work in a superior manner to probiotics which studies have shown to have difficulty surviving the digestive tract. High quality prebiotics such as acidophilus and bifidus reach the colon where they encourage growth of friendly bacteria. L-Glutamine is implicated in muscle weakness and is often used in conjunction with Creatine by body builders and weight trainers for muscle recovery and repair. This combination of supplements has an almost instant improving effect on the digestive tract, calming inflammation and improving absorption of essential nutrients, while simultaneously repairing the gut lining which is frequently thin and damaged in Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia sufferers. By improving your leaky gut in this way many of your symptoms will start to improve as the vicious cycle of Fibromyalgia and CFS is broken in the following sequence:- The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems calm down and return to normal function over several weeks. 1/ H2S production will reduce to normal levels. 2/ The hypothalamus will react accordingly to the improvement in blood gases. 3/ The pituitary gland function will respond normally to instruction from the hypothalamus. 4/ Normalization of pituitary function will regulate and improve thyroid function by correcting production of TSH. 5/ In combination with the mitochondrial supplements this will then allow efficient healing of the mitochondrial cell walls which in turn allows the entire organism to begin to enjoy full health again. This is an adjunctive strategy, the lymphatic protocol must continue alongside the mitochondrial repair protocol. The protocols are demanding, run simultaneously and represent a strict regime. This is partly the reason why so many doctors and national strategies are ineffective in treating and helping Fibromyalgia and CFS patients. Every sufferers case is subtly different due to the various different causal factors be they: . Bacterial, (damage to the gut itself) . Viral (damage to the gut and sympathetics) . Toxic (damage to the nervous system) Bacterial causes are so often treated initially with broad spectrum antibiotics which obviously gets rid of bad bacteria but also eliminates the good, so leaving the gut in poor shape and open to attack. Post antibiotic overgrowth of bad bacteria can result in candida yeast completely taking over the gut and leading to leaky gut again. Viral damage to the sympathetics works in reverse by inflaming the gut which it surrounds. In all cases the treatment protocol is the same:- 1/ Repair the leaky gut. 2/ Repair the lymphatics. 3/ Replenish the mitochondria, 4/ Reduce toxicity. 5/ Modify the diet to remove allergenic and antigenic molecules. 6/ Supplement the thyroid with generic T3/ T4 in the short term. 7/ Allow the mitochondrial repair protocol time to work to full effect. Continuing the entire protocol for 3 to 6 months allows immune and endocrine healing and you will be over the worst of your illness. As we all know there is major problem with stress in chronic fatigue sufferers and again this dovetails precisely with the leaky gut issues. Stress causes severe adrenal failure over a period of time, normal thyroid function is dependent on effectively functioning adrenals which again so often leads to the assumption that the thyroid is the failing organ. Stress also almost completely shuts off the blood supply to the gut via the flight or fight response. While there is inadequate blood supply, digestion cannot function properly, and bad anaerobic bacterial overgrowth flourishes in the reduced oxygen environment. It is a very basic test, but so many sufferers will recognize this feature, in fact many people suffering everyday fatigue will also notice it. At a time when you are particularly tired, examine your tongue first thing in the morning. Almost all fatigue sufferers have what we call a geographical tongue, with various white patches, the tongue is recognized in Chinese medicine as a very accurate indicator of poor health. The healthy tongue of a healthy patient should be almost entirely pink. If you look at the tongue of a CFS/ Fibromyalgia sufferer you will see large areas of white and yellow representing poor digestion, bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections and various organ deficiencies and weakness.
Clive Haslam’s Scientific New Research into Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Proven, Inexpensive, Effective Home Cure Strategies.
Total Healing: How to Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue in 40 Days => Fibromyalgia-Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome.com
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