The Basics Of A Wheelchair Lift

By Low Jeremy

When people were injured from falling down a stairs or in a conflict, the patient will have to use crutches to go from one place to another. Years later, the wheelchair was invented making it easier since all the individual has to do is push or have someone do it.

Though this invention made some improvements in the life of disabled people, the biggest challenge will be how to get someone up a building or a home. Since most offices, apartments and condominiums had elevators this wasn’t a problem. The person will only have to worry how to do this in a residential home.

The wheelchair lift served as the elevator of the disabled person. The first models introduced could only sit the individual so the parents had to carry the wheelchair upstairs or have another one ready at the top.

Improvements later on can carry both the wheelchair and the passenger. It has a motor; a push button switch and a lever making it go up and down the home. This can be installed outdoor or indoor since there are many models to choose from.


If the family is traveling with a disabled person, another challenge will be getting the individual into the vehicle. It is a good thing that someone invented the automobile version that works either using electricity or hydraulics.

Most of the models extend outward so the person can be pushed onto the platform and carried into the vehicle. Pushing on the switch will bring the individual out again. This machine is big and expensive which is the reason why this can only be done in vans.

The wheelchair lift can only be bought in a specialty store. The person can check the directory or online to be able to find the correct one that will suit the home. Once a model has been selected, the delivery crew will set this up free of charge and will teach the homeowner some simple steps to keep it functioning.

If the cost of getting a new one is expensive, the person can getting this through Ebay since an owner may want to auction it off.

Should the family only need this for a short period of time, this can be borrowed from a rental company.

The wheelchair lift can be used just about anywhere from offices, to homes and automobiles. Before buying it from the supplier, it is best to check if this is ADA compliant to ensure the safety of the product.

About the Author: Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.


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