Two-headed baby has second head removed

Sunday, February 27, 2005

An Egyptian baby, born with two heads, is recovering after a successful operation to remove the second head in Cairo on Thursday.

The ten-month old baby was suffering from a condition known as Craniopagus parasiticus, which is a medical condition where an undeveloped, parasitic twin head is attached to the body of a developed twin.

The second head was said to be able to smile and blink, but was not capable of independent life.

Manar Maged underwent a thirteen hour operation to have the head removed. There have only been eight cases of this condition recorded. A baby suffering from it underwent a similar operation in the Dominican Republic in February 2004 but did not survive.

Baby Manar is doing well and shows no signs of paralysis. It is expected that she will remain in intensive care for at least a week.

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