
Australia, like many countries, fights a continuous battle against the incursion of certain bird species into our urban and suburban spaces. The most common and arguably the most impactful of these nuisance bird species is the pigeon. Indeed, pigeon control in Australia has become a significant issue, contributing to a burgeoning Bird Control sector, with “Bird Control Australia” serving as a leader in the field. Public health concerns, damage to property and the disruption to commercial activities are all reasons behind the pressing need for pigeon control.

Pigeons, often called “rats with wings” due to their adaptability, prolific breeding and capacity for spreading disease, are a proven menace in urban areas. They leave droppings that are not only unpleasant to see and smell, but are also corrosive and can significantly damage buildings, monuments, and vehicles. These droppings may carry diseases such as salmonellosis and other dangerous microorganisms, causing a genuine public health concern. Moreover, their feathers can block ventilation systems, while their nesting materials can pose fire risks in buildings.

Effective pigeon control strategies can help to manage and ultimately minimise these impacts. Successful strategies require a multi-faceted approach including deterrents, removal, and physical modifications to the places where pigeons roost and breed. The goal is not to harm the birds, but to encourage them to move along to places that are less problematic for human beings.

Deterrents come in several forms – visual, tactile, and audio. Like other bird species, pigeons are not fond of rapid changes in their environment. Reflective surfaces, sudden movements, or unexpected sounds may scare them away. Spinners, scarecrows, and predator decoys (such as owl or hawk figures) are common visual deterrents. Tactile deterrents include bird spikes and sticky gel which make surfaces uncomfortable for pigeons to land or roost on. Audio deterrents include noise makers and even predator call recordings.

Removal should be carried out by professionals. This involves the trapping or relocation of birds from the place where they are causing a problem. Legislation surrounding the trapping or extermination of pigeons varies globally, and even among Australian states, hence it is always recommended that a professional service like Bird Control Australia be consulted for assistance. This ensures not only the humaneness and legality of the removal, but also its effectiveness – correct removal will reduce the likelihood of future bird infestation.

Physical modifications involve making the environment less appealing to pigeons. Modifying rooftops and ledges, sealing off possible roosting and nesting sites, and other physical changes will make your property less attractive to pigeons. The removal of food sources is also vital in this respect. In urban areas, pigeons thrive on human food waste, hence, proper waste management and control can greatly reduce pigeon populations.

Remember, preventing an infestation is always preferable to trying to deal with one that has already happened. By employing a good mix of deterrents and keeping potential nesting sites and food sources to a minimum, you can dramatically reduce the chances of having to deal with a pigeon problem. And should you need professional help, companies like Bird Control Australia offer comprehensive bird control solutions that are humane, legal, and most of all, effective in keeping your properties pigeon-free.