Vegetarian Protein Sources: Healthy Plant Based Foods Vs. Dead Rotting Animals

If you workout and do strength training,you are already aware of how important protein is for muscle building andmuscle re-building. A vegetarian diet is a healthy, wholesome plant based dietthat can provide more than enough protein in vegetarian sources of protein. Butdo you really need all that protein?

In the fitness industry, proteinsupplements and high meat, poultry and fish is usually recommended, however,there is another much healthier way to get lean, buff or shapely withoutstuffing your face with chicken and tuna. If you want to glow with vibranthealth, keep reading

Do you lack energy? Do you need to trimdown? If so, a vegetarian diet may be ideal for you. Many people stress outover not getting enough protein from a plant based diet. The opposite is true!There are so many vegetarian protein sources in the plant world! And the goodnews is that these high quality, low fat, high protein vegetarian foods helpyou lose body fat.

Eating plenty of quality protein sourcesis the secret to succeeding at a protein diet for vegetarians. The top sources of vegetarian protein are tempeh, tofu, seitan and beans.

Are you thinking that you have no idea onhow you can include these foods in your diet? If so, you will probably want tofollow set meal plans including recipes of foods you need to include in yourdiet if you want an effective protein diet for vegetarians.

Learning how to cook with tempeh, tofu,beans and seitan takes some getting used to if you`ve only ever cooked meatbefore. With the proper instructions, in no time you will be eating deliciousfoods, all new but not so strange. You will be using similar seasoning (ex. Cajunseasoning, chili powder and curry)and cooking techniques (ex. chopping onionsand garlic, etc..)to create purely vegetarian foods so good you wont even missthe dead carcasses you previously used to consume.

You are what you eat and so, don`t youwant to eat vibrant, healthy fruits and vegetables versus dead rotting animals?O.k. I`m being a little graphic here but it`s my secret (o.k. not so secret)mission to inspire millions to go vegetarian.

My biggest pet peeve is when people say:EEH! Tofu is yucky! In my opinion and experience, people have never had tofuthat was properly prepared. Did you know soft tofu can be used to add proteinto shakes and has the texture almost like yogurt? But you would Never want tocook soft tofu in a stirfry, that would be gross. You need extra firm tofu forstir frying!