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Have No Fear: Tips to Cope With Dental Phobia
Lily Schmidt
When surveyed about dental anxiety, approximately 20 percent of American adults reported some level of fear associated with visiting the dentist. In some cases, this fear is so extreme that only excruciating pain will prompt a visit to the dentist and even then with some hesitation. It\’s no wonder that a common slogan for dental practices is, \”We cater to cowards.\” There\’s just something about the reclining chair, overhead lights and metal tools off to the side that just plain freak people out. If you\’re one of the many who\’d rather touch a snake than open wide, here are some coping strategies to get you through your next toothy check-up:
1. Look for the slogan about cowards. Knowing ahead of time your dentist acknowledges that some patients aren\’t too thrilled about the whole dentist thing helps tremendously to calm nerves about sitting in the dreaded chair. Telling a person not to be afraid of something that clearly terrifies them is counter-productive. Only choose a dentist that readily admits the chair can be a scary place for some individuals. Don\’t be embarrassed to admit that you are the coward they need to cater to.
2. Ask to set up an interview. Call the dentist you are thinking about using, and ask to set up an interview with him or her before you schedule a check-up. Getting to know your dentist prior to them looking in your mouth can go a long way in easing your anxiety about the process. If you don\’t like them during the interview, you certainly won\’t want them poking around in your mouth. If you do click with this person, you won\’t be as nervous setting up an appointment to let them have a look-see at your pearly whites.
3. Zone out. Bring an iPod or MP3 player loaded with your favorite music to drown out the sound of all those shiny, teeth-grinding gadgets. Tell your dentist to tap your arm if he or she needs you, but otherwise to let you get lost in the music. Music is very calming and a welcome distraction when experiencing something unpleasant.
4. Drugs, good ones. If you truly suffer from anxiety to the point you are neglecting good dental health, ask your dentist to ease your woe by prescribing a mild sedative you can take before sitting in the chair. Some dentists will even use nitrous oxide to completely loosen a patient up and buffer them from the reality of the dental work being done. Many patients report a total lack of fear using this method and now have a healthy appreciation for sedation dentistry.
Good dental health is paramount to an overall healthy body. Many diseases and problems start inside the mouth and can be quickly taken care of. Don\’t let your fear of the dentist keep you from seeking the proper care of your teeth and gums. Regardless of how scary it may be to sit in that chair with a stranger peering into your mouth, your teeth, and your health, are worth it.
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