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Got New Years Resolutions?? by Fitnall2018 is here and brings the well-known New Years Resolutions.The New Year seems like the perfect time to start with a clean slate.According to research, almost fifty percent of Americans make New Years Resolutions. One of the top resolutions for most is to Lose Weight and this is great! Its exciting to know that most peoples ideal is to be in shape and get healthier.However, did you know that the life expectancy of most peoples resolutions is about a month. By the end of January, 1 in 3 people have already ditched their resolution, and only 8% of those resolutioners achieve their goal, according research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.Most people get caught up in the same cycle year after year!Why is it so hard to stick with those New Years Resolutions?There are many reasons why these yearly determinations are hard to achieve: For one, the resolutions themselves are extremely vague. For instance, losing weight is not precise or trackable. Besides, most times the resolution is not tied to something meaningful, to something that can really make a difference. Just wanting to lose weight seems too superficial and insignificant in the big picture. Another factor is that wanting some kind of shift doesnt necessarily mean that you are ready to implement changes. You must set the background stage for the accomplishment of your goals. You must also be aware of your thinking in order to make resolutions work. Have a positive outlook. If you want change to take place but you keep telling yourself that you cant do it, it will be extremely difficult to achieve results. Subsequently, resolutions should be backed up by a plan of action. Nothing materializes by just thinking about it. Successful resolutions involve specific steps to achieve them. Its useful to concentrate on your strengths and get help when dealing with your weaknesses. Lastly, setup the right social environment to help you succeed.Follow these steps to be successful at accomplishing your New Years Resolutions: Make your goal concrete and measurable. Instead of wanting to lose weight, plan to lose 10 lbs in the next 3 months. Connect your goal to something significant in your life, something that makes an impact. For instance, plan to lose 20 lbs in order to avoid being out of breath when playing with your kids or having painful joints. Start changing your thoughts related to your goal. Feed your mind things that lift, motivate, and help mobilize you towards your ideal. Build a plan with specific steps to accomplish your goal. Institute a meal plan and a workout schedule. Surround yourself (physically or remotely) with go-getters, people who are positive, inspire you, and even empower you. You can also spend time with people who have similar goals, have an accountability buddy, and/or hire a coach to guide your path.Road that says success in the asphalt Remember, You do Not have to wait for the New Year to make ChangesIf you are not happy with your current state, Start implementing changes right away. The time is NOW. Stop postponing your Goals!!!Adriana Albritton is the Founder of A Fit Wellness and the blog FitINAll.com This Colombian native is a Fitness Wellness Mentor and published writer. She holds a Masters degree in Forensic Psychology, certifications in Personal Training & Fitness Nutrition, and has participated nationally with the NPC in Figure competitions. Adriana has a podcast in Spanish, Ponte en Forma y Saludable con Adriana, which is transmitted at Spanish Public Radio.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com