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How to Drill a Hole for Fixings into Solid Surfaces.
Drilling the right kind of hole in your wall for your fixings all depends on what kind of wall you have. You have to consider this carefully before you start drilling.
Perhaps the most important consideration that you need to factor into the task of installing fixings into your wall is the type of wall that you have. That is because in putting in fixings, you first need to drill a hole into which these screws and plugs would fit. But you cannot just drill a hole into the wall. Doing it carelessly will damage the plaster finish of your wall. Eventually, it may compromise the integrity of the walls structure itself.
So, how do you go about drilling holes for fixings into your wall? It all depends on what kind surface you have. For solid surfaces, here are a few tips.
Drilling for Fixings into a Brick Wall
We all know that bricks used for walls are essentially made from baked clay. Their hardness varies, but most of the time, bricks can be very hard. If the bricks are well-made, they will be free from air pockets inside and that they would not have any non-clay materials mixed in, such as stone or flint.
The good thing about drilling a hole in a brick wall is that it can be done easily, and with the right tools, you can make this hole straight and true. The best way to do this is to use a power drill with a little hammering action.
Drilling for Fixings into a Block Wall
The proper way to drill for fixings into a block wall depends on what kind of blocks was used to create the wall. There are lightweight blocks that can be easily drilled, whilst there are really hard concrete blocks that will really make you sweat whilst doing the task.
On the one hand, drilling lightweight blocks can be childs play if you are careful about doing it. You do not need hammer action on your power drill to get it done, and sometimes, a hand brace would suffice. However, if you exert too much power on the task, you may end up with a hole that is too large or make the drill go in a different direction other than where it is supposed to go.
On the other hand, concrete blocks will require a lot of hammer action from your power drill. This is going to be a messy job because the drill bit might connect with something really hard in the block, like a piece of flint or a rock, and it can produce a lot of dust.
Drilling Holes for Fixings into Cast Concrete
Drilling holes into a cast concrete wall may present the same problems as drilling into concrete blocks would. You may encounter solid pieces of flint or rock whilst creating a hole into the material. This may cause your drill bit to go askew, so you may end up with a hole that is not exactly straight or clean at all.
You need to exert just the right amount of pressure into drilling a hole in a cast concrete wall. Too much and you will end up with an oversized hole. The setup will not be strong enough for your mounting to be safe and secure. If the hole is too small or short, it may become necessary for you to force the plug into the wall by hammering it right in. What you will end up with is a damaged plug and a screw that cannot be screwed in.
When you drill holes for fixings in your wall, you have to give the kind of wall you have some careful thought. This will go a long way in ensuring that your fixings will be aligned, not to mention safe and secure.
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How to Drill a Hole for Fixings into Solid Surfaces.}