How To Know The Many Phases Of Allergic Asthma?
Eddy Kong WWSad to said that you may be born with allergies because your mother unknowingly ingested food and perhaps milk to which she was allergic during her pregancy. Babies who are nursed the 1st year are said to have stronger immune system and are less likely to be allergic than those given baby milk formula.Therefore, with allergic as early as during pregnancy, there are many facets of asthma and each of them are equally complicated and tangled with their own set of sufferings and remedies to cure them. One of the basics, but most complicated is allergic asthma which is easy to detect and diagnose but can be pretty hard to treat. In most cases, allergic asthma starts at early childhood with cases of it in children generally below 6 years old. The cause of allergic asthma is in almost all cases; exposure to allergens, such as dust mites, tobacco smoke, pollens, molds, animal dander, certain chemicals, vigorous exercises, sudden room-temperature changes or even indigestion of food in children.Unlike non-allergic asthma, allergic asthma is more common, and as said before it develops during childhood itself. Different phases One of the phases of the allergic asthma is that is forms up during early childhood, documenting with several reasons of allergies. Most of the times, there is a family history of allergies behind this. At these times, the main symptoms of this allergic asthma are shortness of breath, wheezing, extensive coughing or chest tightness common symptoms of any asthma type. The next phase of this allergic asthma is during early adulthood, when the growth part of a child is very much focused on. During this stage, the asthma attacks decreases and in some cases, it disappears.After that is the third different phase of this allergic asthma adulthood. At this stage, the attacks come in again, this time more serious, and that is why it is very advisable to be treat it at the early stages itself; during childhood. Research shows that in 75% of cases, the asthma reappears. And moreover, the condition can be difficult to treat and symptoms are often more chronic. Are there remedies and medications?This disease is medically proven to be hard to cure. But there are medications according to the complications and gravity of the disease in each individual to reduce the attacks.For seasonal asthma, whereby the child only gets the attacks during a particular season of pollen and plants which the child is allergic to. For this, allergy prevention is essential, and medications similar to mild allergic asthma symptoms should be given.For mild allergic asthma, the main remedy would be 2 puffs of inhaled albuterol or Xopenex daily for 4 6 hours or alternatively, you could also give oral albuterol. For moderate allergic asthma, the doctor might suggest inhaled albuterol or Xopenex, a Nebulizer, oral steroid liquid or pills, maintenance therapy or Salmeterol or Foradil as an alternative to the albuterol. The best remedy is to strengthen your immune system. When the immune system is in balance you will not get frequent colds, flu and allergic reactions.There are more free articles relating to this at my site. Therefore, I strongly urged you to start your journey and start taking a look at my site and to get your allergic asthma treated as soon as possible, if you are serious of getting back your asthma free life again.
Eddy has a site which shares his tips and ideas on asthma treatment. Get his FREE articles at
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