By Adriana J. Noton
Taking on the task of backyard landscaping can be something that many people either find to be exciting, or downright tedious and overwhelming, but a necessity nevertheless. Regardless of what you’re feelings might be on the matter, there are some things that you can keep in mind, which very well might help to make the process run smoothly and with great-looking results.
A lot of people tend to feel intimidated by the idea of doing landscape design, whether or not they happen to be looking forward to things or not. Even so, sometimes taking a simple approach to things, and trying not to overwhelm yourself with too many ideas straight off, can generally help to eliminate much of the hassle and maybe even some nerves.
In some cases, the way your yard is shaped and whether or not if it’s closed in can sometimes impact the approach that’s necessary. With a fence, for example, there is a border to work with; however, open paces can sometimes be difficult. Therefore, careful planning and also thinking ahead is key, and it’s also important to check that you’re not passing over the property line before you begin.
One good rule of thumb is to really consider how much maintenance you’re willing to work with, since certain types of vegetation, or even too much vegetation, can result in more work than some might be prepared for. Therefore, try to research into any types of shrubs, trees, or flowers that you may be considering before you actually buy them.
Vegetation is important and it can often make or break the look of a yard, but it’s important to also consider what they’ll need in order to thrive such as lots of sun, shade and so on. You may also want to keep in consideration that many shrubs and trees can often grow much larger than one might expect, making it this important to research before you plot your yard out.
Getting to know when certain things blossom or show growth is also key. Due to this, sometimes having a clear understanding of what flowers may blossom when or how often, for instance, is good to know. Color is also another important design factor, making it important to really ensure that you have a wide array of color to enjoy virtually year-round.
If you have a large or open space to contend with, many suggest trying to break things up into sections and to add decorative features throughout, rather than going for a straight-on border. This helps to make things appear natural, but without being overly-done or showing harsh lines in the yard itself. On the other hand, if you’re working with a smaller space, it’s good to remember that sometimes less may be more in the scheme of things.
When it comes to backyard landscaping, it’s also good to make sure that you and your family can actually enjoy the space. Therefore, don’t hesitate to incorporate other features, even aside from vegetation, such as water features, furniture, pathways, benches, outdoor rooms and so forth.
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Source: isnare.com
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